Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic School is proud to share a
special project that has recently been completed. We have found a silver lining in the cloud of 2020. Due to COVID-19, we made the decision to close our lending library cafe. Our lending library has become a library on wheels in order to monitor and prevent the sharing of germs as well as having the ability to disinfect smaller amounts of books.
The space has now been converted into what we are now calling the
“Peace Room”.
Equipped with flexible seating, calming colors and sounds, and manipulatives to
promote and nurture mindfulness, the Peace Room offers the opportunity to
step away from the hustle and bustle of the day and to take a moment to just be at peace. The Peace Room is available to teachers and students alike. Social distancing and routine disinfecting will occur throughout the day.
Our Peace Room would not be possible without the generous donations spearheaded by
Mrs. Anne Waters. Mrs. Waters is the mother of Our Lady of Mount Carmel's very own
Sister Monica Waters. Sister Monica and her family recently experienced a great loss with the passing of their brother/son, Albert. Albert was a vibrant and extraordinary young man who did not let his limitations define him. He inspired his family to promote the joy and blessing that having a child with special needs brings to a family. Albert has joined his two cousins in God’s Kingdom who were warriors over their own special needs, Michael and Lucia.
Our room is dedicated in loving memory of Albert Waters, Michael Waters, and Lucia Kratt. May the peace and comfort found in this room be felt by those who enter as well as those who made it possible.